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Self-diagnosis Product - Market - Fit or Product - Market Fit

Product-Market-Fit has many different definitions depending on which founder you ask. However, what they all agree on is that it is the stage of the project in which the startup is ready to scale its proposal, given that there is clarity that the business can be profitable.

If you would like to know what product market fit is or why it is so important, I suggest you to read this article we wrote about it.

But then, how do you know if you are in Product Market Fit?

To answer this question we developed this questionnaire based on the most solid definitions of the concept.

I encourage you to fill it out honestly, if you don't know the answer, just click don't know. When you finish the form, submit it and we will redirect you to a site with your result and next steps.

If you need help filling out this form because you do not know the concepts or you would like us to review your case in a personalized way, please write to me at [email protected] so we can resolve them as soon as possible.

I hope this self-diagnosis will drive and motivate you to continue to grow your business.

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